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Athletics Day 2022

Updated: Jun 17, 2022

Kilburnie (Gold house) narrowly took out the overall points trophy this year, hotly contested by Greycliffe and Torsdale, at our Interhouse Athletics Carnival last week. In all of my 23 years at St Joey's I cannot ever remember a time when the three houses were so close in points. Well done to Kilburnie! There were many outstanding performances throughout the two days of competition in what was perfect winter weather for competing and generally having a good time. The Age Champion medals are always hotly contested, and this year was no exception. Congratulations to all students for striving to participate to the best of their ability, scoring points for their house and for encouraging and respecting each other.

Thank you to the parents who helped out during the two days and Beccy Schibrowski and her helpers for the wonderful tuckshop menu on Wednesday. It was greatly appreciated and another great example of the important partnership between parents and our school.



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